Yes indeed, the moment I’ve been waiting for has come. After weeks of frustration and rejection, some poor fool was stupid enough to rent me an apartment. Though Ingrid Michaelson has her hopes high hung to “buy our parents homes in the south of France,” she would be hard pressed to be able to rent a small apartment in the northeast section of the country without certified documentation of annual income, a French citizen willing to pay rent on the occasion that the occupant cannot pay, and mountain of paperwork written in French legal jargon...a double foreign language. For whatever reason, people prefer Ingrid Michaelson’s version…it must be the ukulele.

ANYWHO, I’m not one for complaining in excess, and the important thing is (as the title indicates) that I am currently housed.  You can now find me on the 4th floor of 1 bis Passage Leroy.  I am about a 20-minute walk from the heart of downtown, and my crib is fresh. It has everything you need: walls, a roof, and a door that both opens and closes. Click on this video to get a sense of it:

In addition to the new digs, you may or may not have noticed I have a roommate! His name is Herbert, the basil plant. He was technically two euro at the store, but he doesn’t know that because, well, you can’t put a price tag on love. Herbert has been kind enough to give me some of his leaves as I make grilled French cheese and tomato sandwiches and ratatouille, and in return, I give him sun, water, and an unwavering passion for flannel.  We listen to the same type of music; we’re comfortable with the occasional pause in conversation, and we’re both registered voters in the state of Ohio.  Needless to say, I really like Herbert even though he’s been really slow getting me his half of the rent.

Thanks again for all of your kind support and words of encouragement, and I am sorry that I have not been so consistent with my postings.  Now that I am living under my own roof, I will be better equipped to inform people about my work and my day-to-day tomfoolery.  May this blog post find you well wherever you read it, and I will write/film/talk again soon!
10/22/2012 02:20:12 am

bravo ! ton appart a l'air super :)

Ta Mama
10/22/2012 01:48:23 pm

You are too much, mon fils. Great to see your new digs so that we can picture you in context. Enjoy! My best to Herbie...

11/3/2012 10:28:11 pm

Just makin my day... One video/blog post at a time.


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